Enums: Dropdown


Direction of an dropdown menu.

  • Direction.None Same as
  • Direction.Down Trigger dropdown menus bellow an element (default behaviour).
  • Direction.Up Trigger dropdown menus above an element.
  • Direction.Right Trigger dropdown menus to the right of an element.
  • Direction.Left Trigger dropdown menus to the left of an element.
  • Direction.End Trigger dropdown menus to the end of an element.
  • Direction.Start Trigger dropdown menus to the start of an element.


Defines the position strategy for the floating component.

  • DropdownPositionStrategy.Absolute The floating element is positioned relative to its nearest positioned ancestor. With most layouts, this usually requires the browser to do the least work when updating the position.
  • DropdownPositionStrategy.Fixed The floating element is positioned relative to its nearest containing block (usually the viewport). This is useful when the reference element is also fixed to reduce jumpiness with positioning while scrolling.
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