Blazorise Link component

Provides declarative, accessible navigation around your application.

The <Link> component allows you to easily customize anchor elements with your theme colors and typography styles. Link is the building block for most Blazorise components that offer link functionality. A Link component behaves like an <a> element, except it toggles an active CSS class based on whether its href matches the current URL.



By specifying a value in the To property, a standard link (<a>) element will be rendered.
<Link To="docs">

Anchor Links

A # in front of a link location specifies that the link is pointing to an anchor on a page. (Anchor meaning a specific place in the middle of your page). Typically <a href="#"> will cause the document to scroll to the top of page when clicked. <Link> addresses this by preventing the default action (scroll to top) when To is set to #. If you need scroll to top behavior, use a standard <Link To="#">...</Link> tag.
<Link To="#b-docs-page-title">


If you want to open link in a new tab or window you can use the Target parameter.
<Link To="" Target="Target.Blank">

Target iframe

By assigning a name to a frame via the name attribute, you can refer to it as the "target" of links defined by other elements. Our Target parameter can also accept string values.
<Link To="some-url" Target="@("example")">
    This link can lead to iframe

<iframe name="example" src="init_fixed.html"></iframe>

Stretched link

Add Stretched attribute to a link to make its containing block clickable via a ::after pseudo element. In most cases, this means that an element with position: relative that contains a link with the stretched link class is clickable. Please note given how CSS position works, stretched-link cannot be mixed with most table elements.

Cards have position: relative by default, so in this case you can safely add the Stretched attribute to a link in the card without any other HTML changes.

Placeholder image

Card with stretched link

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.
Go somewhere
<Card Width="Width.Rem(18)">
    <CardImage Source="/img/gallery/2.jpg" Alt="Placeholder image" />
        <CardTitle Size="3">
            Card with stretched link
            Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.
        <Link To="#" Title="Link to go somewhere" Stretched>
            Go somewhere

Disabled link

Make links look inactive by adding the Disabled boolean attribute to any <Link> element.

This is an example of a disabled link.

    This is an example of a <Link To="#" Disabled>disabled link</Link>.



Name Description Type Default
To Specifies that multiple files can be selected. string null
Target The target attribute specifies where to open the linked document. Target Default
Match URL matching behavior for a link. Match Prefix
CustomMatch A callback function that is used to compare current uri with the user defined uri. Must enable Match="Match.Custom" to be used. Func<string, bool> null
CustomMatch A callback function that is used to compare current uri with the user defined uri. Must enable Match.Custom to be used. Func<string, bool> null
Title Defines the title of a link, which appears to the user as a tooltip. string null
Unstyled Removes default color styles from the link. bool false
Clicked Occurs when the link is clicked. EventCallback
Stretched Makes any HTML element or component clickable by “stretching” a nested link. bool false
Disabled Makes the link look inactive by adding the disabled boolean attribute. bool false
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