Blazorise Bar component

A responsive navbar that can support images, links, buttons, and dropdowns.

The Bar component is a responsive and versatile navigation bar that can be used as a top menu in Horizontal mode or as a sidebar in one of the three Vertical modes.

  • <Bar> main container
    • <BarBrand> Horizontal: the left side, always visible. Vertical: top of Bar branding.
    • <BarToggler> Horizontal: toggles the bar. Vertical: read more below.
    • <BarMenu> Horizontal: the right side, hidden on breakpoint. Vertical: contains the core menu elements.
      • <BarStart> Horizontal: left side menu. Vertical: sticky top menu.
      • <BarEnd> Horizontal: right side menu. Vertical: sticky bottom menu.
        • <BarItem > each single item of the bar menu
          • <BarLink> item link or button
            • <BarIcon> icon for Bar item (required for BarMode.VerticalSmall)
          • <BarDropdown> dropdown container (or popout for BarMode.VerticalPopout)
            • <BarDropdownToggle> dropdown trigger
            • <BarDropdownMenu> the dropdown menu, which can include bar items and dividers for BarMode.VerticalPopout)
              • <BarDropdownItem> each single item of the dropdown menu
              • <BarDropdownDivider> Divider that can be placed between BarDropdownItem’s.
              • <BarDropdown> by adding this again inside the menu, you will create nested dropdowns

Top Bar (with dropdown)

<Bar Breakpoint="Breakpoint.Desktop"
    <BarToggler />
                <BarLink To="#home">Home</BarLink>
                <BarLink To="#docs">Documentation</BarLink>
                        <BarDropdownDivider />
                        <BarDropdownItem>Another action</BarDropdownItem>
                <Button Color="Color.Primary">Sign up</Button>
                <Button Color="Color.Secondary">Log in</Button>

Vertical Bar (Sidebar)

When using the Bar in one of the Vertical modes for the purpose of a Sidebar, you need to place it inside the LayoutSiderContent component. Please see the Layout docs for more information on setup with Sidebar.
<Bar Mode="BarMode.VerticalInline"
            <BarLink To="#">
                <BarIcon IconName="IconName.Dashboard" />
                Blazorise Demo
                <BarLink To="#home">
                    <BarIcon IconName="IconName.Dashboard" />
                <BarLink To="#docs">Documentation</BarLink>
                        <BarIcon IconName="IconName.Edit" />
                        <BarDropdownItem>Another action</BarDropdownItem>

Right-aligned Vertical Bar

You can create a right-aligned Vertical style Bar easily by following two key principals.
  • Using the Layout to accommodate the right-align bar, by putting the LayoutSider section after the Layout section (see in example below).
  • Adding RightAligned to ALL BarDropdownMenu within the Vertical bar.
Right-aligned vertical bar example:
<Layout Sider>
            <Bar Mode="BarMode.VerticalInline" CollapseMode="BarCollapseMode.Small"
                        <BarLink To="#">
                            <BarIcon IconName="IconName.Dashboard" />
                            <BarDropdown RightAligned>
                                    <BarIcon IconName="IconName.Edit" />
                                    <BarDropdownItem>Another action</BarDropdownItem>

Vertical Bar Toggler

The BarToggler for Vertical Bar supports 2 modes:
  • BarTogglerMode.Normal (default)
  • BarTogglerMode.Popout
These 2 modes, along with an external implementation, provides 3 easy to configure implementations.

1. Inline

By simply adding the BarToggler anywhere inside the Vertical Bar component (at the top level), you will have an inline toggler added to your bar at this location.
<Bar Mode="BarMode.VerticalInline"
    <BarToggler />
            <BarLink To="#">
                <BarIcon IconName="IconName.Dashboard" />
2. Popout Once again, by simply adding the BarToggler anywhere inside the Vertical Bar component (at the top level), and setting the Mode to Popout you will have an popout toggler added to your bar at this location.
<Bar Mode="BarMode.VerticalInline"
            <BarLink To="#">
                <BarIcon IconName="IconName.Dashboard" />
                Blazorise Demo
    <BarToggler Mode="BarTogglerMode.Popout" />
3. External (controlled by Top Bar) For an externally controlled BarToggler, you need to be using the top bar. Where you have a top bar and vertical bar, you can add multiple BarTogglers to the top bar and choose to have one of these control the vertical bar by simply setting the Bar property. In the example below, we will create two BarTogglers inside the top bar.
  • One to control the Vertical Bar (closest to it)
  • One to control the Top Bar (at the opposite end)
<Layout Sider>
            <Bar @ref="@sidebar" Mode="BarMode.VerticalInline"
        <LayoutHeader Fixed>
            <Bar Mode="BarMode.Horizontal"
                <BarToggler Bar="@sidebar" />
                        <BarLink To="#">
                            <BarIcon IconName="IconName.Dashboard" />
                <BarToggler />
@code {
    private Bar sidebar;

Nested Dropdowns

To create nested BarDropdowns, you can simply add a BarDropdown component inside the structure of an existing BarDropdownMenu.
<Bar Breakpoint="Breakpoint.Desktop"
                        Top-level toggler
                            Top-level item
                                Nested toggler
                                    Nested item

Header on top

For an example where the horizontal Bar is “on top” of the vertical Bar, please look at this example in the Layout docs.




Name Description Type Default
Mode Bar mode (Vertical* for Sidebar). BarMode Horizontal
CollapseMode What the Bar will collapse to when Visible toggled. BarCollapseMode Hide
Visible Controls the state of toggle and the menu. bool false
Breakpoint Defines the media breakpoint. Breakpoint None
NavigationBreakpoint Defines the media breakpoint on navigation. Breakpoint None
ThemeContrast Adjusts the contrast for light or dark themes. ThemeContrast Light
Background Sets the bar background color. Background Default
MenuToggleBehavior Defines how the bar menu will behave when toggled. BarMenuToggleBehavior AllowMultipleMenus


Name Description Type Default
To Path to the destination page. string null
Target The target attribute specifies where to open the linked document. Target Default
Match URL matching behavior for a link. Match All
Title Defines the title of a link, which appears to the user as a tooltip. string null
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